Word of the day – Advocate

For the next few weeks, METS will be posting a word of the day. Some will be in the SAT prep vein, others will be college-related words you may have heard, and not completely understood.

Today’s word is: advocate

n. someone who promotes or defends something

v. to defend or promote something (usually a belief, theory, opinion, etc.)

I am an advocate for free higher education.
Environmental protesters often advocate for cleaner energy practices.

Word of the day – tenacious

For the next few weeks, METS will be posting a word of the day. Some will be in the SAT prep vein, others will be college-related words you may have heard, and not completely understood.

Today’s word is: tenacious

  1. holding fast; characterized by keeping a firm hold (often followed by of):a tenacious grip on my arm; tenacious of old habits.
  2. highly retentive:a tenacious memory.
  3. pertinacious, persistent, stubborn, or obstinate.
  4. adhesive or sticky; viscous or glutinous.
  5. holding together; cohesive; not easily pulled asunder; tough.

Word of the day – torpid

For the next few weeks, METS will be posting a word of the day. Some will be in the SAT prep vein, others will be college-related words you may have heard, and not completely understood.

Today’s word is:


  1. inactive or sluggish.
  2. slow; dull; apathetic; lethargic.
  3. dormant, as a hibernating or estivating animal.