Now that we’ve taken a solid look at the postsecondary enrollment rates and trends of METS students and their peers, it’s time to take a look at how they do in completing their degrees. Using the same StudentTracker report put out by the state of Maine in partnership with the Mitchell Institute and the National Student Clearinghouse, we are able to compare METS rates vs those of their peer groups in their target schools. The enrollment year we will be comparing is the 2007-2008 cohort, and we will be using the rates of those who graduated within 6 years, with a certificate, associates, or bachelor degrees. As before, the names have of schools have been changed so as not to accidentally disclose individual student information. One note, School I is a private school, and as such was not included in the state of Maine’s report.
In 2007-2008, 125 METS seniors enrolled in postsecondary education, at an enrollment rate of 91.2%.