Applying for scholarships is a critical part of paying for college. Scholarships are a way to help minimize the amount of loans you have to take out, which in turn leaves that much less debt to pay for once you graduate college! METS has created a list of some scholarships that may be of interest to METS students, but there are many, many scholarships out there! Your guidance office is a key resource for all students when hunting for potential scholarships. You may be eligible for scholarships based on your academics, activities, athletics, town, college of choice, family income level, or many other variables! Part of the work in finding potential scholarships is to figure out what makes you as a student stand out, and then find scholarships that match you the best!
The METS Blog has frequent posts about scholarships, which can be found by clicking on the Scholarships Tag.
Are you worried about writing a scholarship essay? Don’t be! A few simple steps will get your essay started the right way.