METS Action Plan (MAP)

METS Action Plan also known as MAP

METS Action Plan

Grades 6-11

Check out the information below – in which areas do you feel you need more help or more information? (check all that apply)


Check out the information below – in which areas do you feel you need more help or more information? (check all that apply)
Do you think that your GPA will prevent your admission to college?
METS is offering online communities to support your goals; please indicate which online offerings you are interested in participating. (check all that apply)
We will talk about the benefits of participating in the Maine Educational Talent Search program, including group guidelines, current academic grades and study habits. We’ll also focus on career exploration, college planning, and financial aid as well as help you discover more about you!

I agree to attend all METS workshops or to reschedule/make up a meeting if I can’t attend. I understand that if I do not attend meetings regularly, I may not be able to attend in field trips or continue in the program.