Lewiston METS Interest Form

The METS program assists students in grades 6 through 12 succeed in middle and high school and then go onto the college of their choice. METS advisors meet with students at their school during school hours on a regular basis. During METS workshops, METS advisors assist students as they explore academic and personal skills and career and college options. Workshops include leadership skills, study skills and strategies, time management, SAT/ACT test preparation, financial aid, college, and career research. Senior year students receive individualized coaching through the college admissions and financial aid application processes.

METS students are selected by their academic potential to succeed in high school and college, their parents’ educational history and family income levels. Preference will be given to those students whose parents have not completed four years of college and whose family income level is at or below 150% of the federal poverty level.

Questions can be directed to the Lewiston METS Advisor, Ms. Lucas, at blucas@lewistonpublicschools / Bonnie.Lucas@maine.edu Or by contacting the METS office at 1.800.540.0493.

METS Interest Form

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