METS Outcomes – What types of Colleges and Universities to METS Students Attend?

Previously, we focused on the individual colleges that METS students attend. In this post we are focusing on the types of postsecondary institutions attended by METS students.

Characteristics of METS College Choice

Most METS Student stay in Maine for college. In fact, over the five years studied, 83.4% stay in state. Equally as common is for METS Students to attend school in either the Maine Community College System or the University of Maine System, with 64.7% attending a public state school. 18.7% of METS students attend a private school in Maine, and 16.5% enroll in postsecondary education outside of Maine. Continue reading

METS Outcomes – What Postsecondary Institutions do METS Students Attend?

Each year, METS students go off to college, but where they go varies greatly! In a new series, we will be publishing data about where our students go to college, and how they perform once they’re in college.

In the last five years, 589 METS Seniors have enrolled in college. The cohort sizes stayed fairly consistent, ranging from 108 in 2011-2012, to 125 in 2015-2016. In that time, certain trends have emerged, that are worth investigating more closely. Remember that by nature these numbers reflect a fairly small sample size. Continue reading